The Martin Luther King Jr. Collection

By Fortress Press January 10, 2023

Over the years we have been privileged and honored to publish amazing authors like Lewis V. Baldwin..

Discover the Origin and Evolution of an Extraordinary Icon

By Matthew J. Milliner December 30, 2022

In the early years of this century, when America was renegotiating both faith and power, an..

The Magi: Who They Were, How They’ve Been Remembered, and Why They Still Fascinate

By Eric Vanden Eykel December 19, 2022

On the fourth Thursday of November, many residents of the United States celebrate “Thanksgiving,” a..

The Camera’s Place in Securing Black Lives and Pursuing Racial Justice

By Phil Allen Jr. December 5, 2022

In the Black church, it is common to hear a preacher passionately share spiritual, theological, or..

Q&A with Lewis V. Baldwin, author of The Arc of Truth

By Lewis V. Baldwin November 1, 2022

Lewis V. Baldwin, a well-known Dr. King scholar, chatted with us about his new book, The Arc of..

"Truth Crushed to Earth will Rise Again" —Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

By Lewis V. Baldwin September 15, 2022

Martin Luther King Jr. said as much and perhaps more about truth than any other prominent figure in..

Meet the Fortress Press Team: Laura Gifford, Acquisitions Editor

By Laura Gifford September 5, 2022

You’re new to the Fortress editorial team, so my first question is, What attracted you to apply..

Faith Communities as a Place of Safety and Belonging

By Steve Austin September 3, 2022

Trigger Warning: this book contains explicit discussion of trauma, mental illness, childhood..


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